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General Department Of Logistics

Secretariat of National Logistics Steering Committee

Technical Study Visit to Thailand

21 November 2022

Bangkok: Monday, 21st November 2022, fives officials of the General Department of Logistics led by Mr. Sor Yilin, Director of the Department of Logistics Monitoring, and Evaluation, join a technical study visit from 21-25 November 2022. The main objectives of this technical study visit is as following:

  1. Understand the data collection practices of the relevant authorities in Thailand
  2. Strengthen the capacity of officials of the General Department of Logistics in charge of data collection for the ASEAN-Japan Experts Group Meeting
  3. Study and understand the development of logistics and transportation statistical data and develop an action plan for the Ministry of Public Works and Transport.
  4. Improve the relationship between officials of the two countries for future cooperation to strengthen capacity and expand knowledge in the Logistics fields