Port EDI Implementation Project (Phase 1) (P31-S1)
The project is expected to speed up the vessel entry and departure procedures by aligning the declaration forms to international standard and by computerization (Single Window System).
The project aims to enhance capacity of vessel entry and departure procedures and expected to save time for vessels clearance procedures by providing single window system to several government agencies such as Port Authority, Immigration, Customs and Quarantine.
This project is implemented by General Department of Waterway Maritime transport and Ports, MPWT with the budget from Government of Japan. The project have various benefits including; (i) Reduction of standby time by the terminal operators because the cargo unloading and loading cannot be started before submitting the necessary documents to the relevant agencies, (ii) Reduce the duration of time of vessels on berth at the port, (iii) Reduction of time for the preparation of documents and reduction of making copies of documents, and (iv) The electronic data of calling vessels make it easier to conduct risk management and compilation of statistical data. Moreover, the project will increase the competitiveness of Cambodia’s logistics sector.
Currently, the project is on-going with the overall project progress of 50%. The project has 4 main components includes:
- Development of declaration formality in line with FAL formats and review of relevant regulations of concerned government agencies achieved 50%
- Development of the PORT EDI system and user manuals (scope to be determined) achieved 50%
- Training to users of the Port EDI system (has not been started yet)
- Drafted sub-decree on the Port EDI Implementation.
The project also faced obstacles including the restriction in physical meeting and related activities because of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the project team has also devised solutions including the transformation of all meetings to virtual meeting and related functions.