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General Department Of Logistics

Secretariat of National Logistics Steering Committee

Meeting Delegation from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Thailand

22 September 2022

Phnom Penh: On Thursday, September 22, 2022, at the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, His Excellency Chhieng Pich, General Director of the General Department of Logistics, met with a delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Thailand led by Her Excellency Arjaree Sriratanaban, General Director of the General Department of East Asian.

In this discussion, H.E. Director General present about the Intermodal Transport Connectivity and Logistics System Master Plan which is being prepared by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport and the Supreme National Economic Council and also informed the Thai delegation about the progress of Construction of Cross Border Facilities at Stung Bot international border gate.

Photos of the Meeting