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General Department Of Logistics

Secretariat of National Logistics Steering Committee

Capacity Building for M&E Officials of GDL

JICA Technical Cooperation Project (Phase 1) started in October 2018 to build human resource capacity in terms of logistics policies and regulations within GDL and completed in February 2020. Phase 2 resumed at the end of 2020 and remains active.

This project provided technical assistance to obtain technical skills in terms of logistics data collection and management in Cambodia. The key objectives of building the logistics database are: (i) to monitor progress of the Logistics M/P; (ii) to understand the impact on the logistics sectors; (iii) to evaluate the impacts on businesses, and (iv)to assess the overall impacts on the economy.

Through On-Job-Training (OJT) during Phase 2 in 2021 focus is on the preparation of annual logistics report by JICA trainer to M&E technical staffs of GDL in order to collect the relevant data both from public and private sectors, store the database, write the annual report, and compile and disseminate the report. The data is very important to study and solve various challenges in logistics sector and as foundation for the government to make policies on a timely manner. The logistics data could also facilitate the meaningful dialogue between the private sector.