Project for Debottlenecking of the Southern Coastal Subcorridor (P11-S3) National Road 48 (P11-S3)
The project is for debottlenecking of the Southern Coastal Sub-corridor, including theimprovement/rehabilitation of NR/NH 48-improvement. Direct benefits may includetravel time reductions, vehicle operating cost savingsbetween Koh Kong and itsneighboring provinces, improved road traffic safety through the construction of trafficinfrastructure in the southwest of Cambodia and facilitation of regional trade, and inthe long-term, this project may contribute to promotingthe balanced development byalleviating the poverty.The project has been implemented by the General Department of Public Works(GDPW) and financed by the government of Republic of Korea. This project was signedfor the construction contract on 23 August2021.