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General Department Of Logistics

Secretariat of National Logistics Steering Committee

Truck Modernization Project (Phase 1) (P43-S1)

In Cambodia, there are little restrictions on a truck’s age and emission standards. Most trucks are second-hands vehicles imported from other countries. These trucks consume diesel, emit more CO2, and have high operational and maintenance costs. Accordingly, it is important to develop a solid policy to replace old trucks with new ones to reduce CO2 emissions as well as reduce truck operational and maintenance costs. The study aims to estimate economic, environmental, and social benefits of using freight trucks (old or new) in the public and private sectors.

This project has been implemented by the General Department of Land Transport (GDLT). The database on the trucking industry will contribute to preparing improvement/development projects and programs by GDL and relevant ministries; and by revising the Traffic Law, the trucking companies will be relieved of the suffering from the legal gaps and the penalty amount will be reduced. As a result, service users will have better services.

This project also encounters some challenges including but not limited to: (i) some heavy trucks are over the limitation of the vehicle length restrictions; and (ii) Cambodia Trucking Association are having difficulties in transporting goods by container because some trucks are over the length limitations. It requires for the permission over the length of 16.7 meters. This is currently limited to 16 meters for semi-trailers. In response to this difficulty, the working group also proposed a number of solutions, including the preparation of amendments to the law.